鎮ㄦ鍦ㄨí鍟忕殑鍩熷悕鍙互杞�(zhu菐n)璁�!This domain name is for sale!
鍩熷悕Domain Name:lbszyl.com
鍞児Listing Price:CNY 499.00
閫氶亷閲戝悕缍�(w菐ng)(4.cn) 涓粙浜ゆ槗
閲戝悕缍�(w菐ng)(4.cn)鏄叏鐞冮牁(l菒ng)鍏堢殑鍩熷悕浜ゆ槗鏈嶅嫏(w霉)姗熸(g貌u)锛屽悓鏅備篃鏄疘cann瑾嶈瓑鐨勬敞鍐婂晢锛屾搧鏈夊叚骞寸殑鍩熷悕浜ゆ槗缍�(j墨ng)椹�锛屽勾浜ゆ槗椤嶉仈3鍎勫厓浠ヤ笂銆傝惉鍠滃爞鎵胯锛屾彁渚涚啊鍠�銆佸畨鍏�銆佸皥妤�(y猫)鐨勭涓夋柟鏈嶅嫏(w霉)锛� 鐐轰簡淇濊瓑浜ゆ槗鐨勫畨鍏�锛屾暣鍊嬩氦鏄撻亷绋嬪ぇ姒傞渶瑕�5鍊嬪伐浣滄棩銆�
Process Overview:
4.cn is a world leading domain escrow service platform and ICANN-Accredited Registrar, with 6 years rich experience in domain name brokerage and over 300 million RMB transaction volume every year. We promise our clients with professional, safe and easy third-party service. The whole transaction process may take 5 workdays.
For detailed process, you can or contact support@goldenname.com.